Makes your life easier
ClubMaster is extensible, we are having a large number of modules that you can activate or deactivate as fit your needs.
with ClubMaster you can use a personal calendar so that your clients can schedule a time with you, and you can start selling online programs.
If you are running a Gym, we have you covered, we support classes that your team members can participate with easy online booking. And you can use our Checkin Kiosk software to keep track of your members.
For the Crossfit owner, we have thought about announcing your daily WODS, so with our scheduled posts, you can easily make sure your members are getting your WODs at the time, and minimize your time for the administration.
As a Psycho Terapeut, we have got you covered. Your clients can book in your calendar for times that fit you and your client, you can keep journals safe to have a history for your clients.
If you are running a Massage Clinic or similar, you can have as many calendars you need for your customers to schedule. As well, you can sell different services, so the customer can pick a custom package from the comfort of their homes.
Associations and foundations
ClubMaster loves the great work of NGOs, so we have you covered as well, you can make many different monthly subscriptions for your supporters, and make sure that only the paying members are getting your valuable content.
It's free to create an account, so go checkout our features, or you can just signup now!
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Get started with ClubMaster?
- Professional support
- Advanced reports
- Events management
- Customer journals
- Multiple calendars
- Notifications
- Point of sale
- Google integrated
About ClubMaster
Since 2007 we have served customers happily, with a background in a lot of sports clubs, we found the need for a good easy complete membership management tool for everybody.
Due to the flexibility of ClubMaster, it can fit into most types of businesses, there are many small organizations that don't want to pay much to manage their members, and we want to support them!
The same goes for all the new coaches and personal trainers, we think they should have an option to have an easy to use and cheap option to start their business online, without any big hassle to get started.
If you have questions, do not hesitate to reach out
- Michael, founder of ClubMaster.